Who we are

As a Christian community, Swords Baptist Church (SBC), we see ourselves as living proof that there is a God who desires relationship with us and who can be known in a very personal way. He has plans and purposes for our lives and has, at His core, our very best interests. We recognise that in the person of Jesus, God Himself actually visited our world and died for us, and through His death and resurrection the possibility exists of connecting with the God who is more present than we could imagine.
Many of us at SBC would say that we have encountered this God in a way we never dreamed of and are seeking to journey with Him in our everyday life allowing Him to shape and guide us. Scott Peck, in his book “A Road less Travelled” said that ‘life is difficult,’ and while life can at times be great as well, we recognise that knowing God personally gives us substantial resources for living our lives well whatever the circumstances.
We have the Bible, the word of God, at the centre of our lives. We believe that in the person of Jesus, God himself actually visited our world and died for us individually. Through His death we can have forgiveness of our sins and that by belief in His resurrection we can have a relationship with Him, the living God, who is more present than we can imagine. His desire for us is that through our cooperation with the Spirit we would be formed increasingly into the image of Jesus.
There have been Baptist Communities in Ireland since the 1600s. We are a self – governing and self-financing body. We are called “Baptists” because we baptise, by “total immersion” – sometimes at Tower Bay in Portrane and sometimes in a tank in our church garden, those who believe and have a personal relationship with Jesus.
Churches often present a “truncated gospel” which says the good news of Jesus is that he died for our sins so we can go to heaven when we die. While this is true, we believe the good news message of Jesus is much broader and grander than this. We believe Jesus says we can flourish and have joy and a deep sense of fulfilment even as we engage with the challenges life throws at us (John 10:10).
We believe a different kind of life is possible when we live it in relationship with Jesus as his apprentices or disciples. He is not only our sin substitute but also our teacher, our yoke-fellow, our brother and friend. He invites us to follow him in how we live our lives.
Johnny Holland, Pastor at SBC